What Is Key in UX Research?

Pay Attention to Details

UX research is vital because it enables the UX design team to better understand their target users. With their findings, they can design products that will be more relevant and functional for these users. 

As such, closely observing your users’ actions and thought processes is a key part of the research process. It can help to identify areas in your product that need improvement. 
When you pay attention to details, you can analyze patterns that might come up. For example:

  • Which features had multiple complaints?
  • How many users did their tasks differently from others?

Avoid Making Assumptions

Another key aspect in UX research is to keep an open mind when conducting your studies. As much as possible, avoid making assumptions about what the user will do or think. Believing that you already know your users can lead to design choices that might not work at all.

For instance, a user might not interact with the product as intended. They could also find issues that you missed. Trying to force your gathered data to support what you think are foregone conclusions might cause you to miss out on new insights. You become too focused on trying to fit your narrative. 

Empathize With Users

It’s also key in UX research to empathize with the users you’re researching. By seeing the experience from the user’s point of view, a UX researcher can make design recommendations that can enhance a user’s experience in the future. 

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