Watch our on-demand webinar with Catt Small, Product Designer at Asana! Catt will walk through the entire process of designing Asana’s Goals feature—from ideation to launch 🚀 

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to use discovery research to inform your designs
  • About Asana’s double diamond and design sprint processes
  • Ways to design high-quality experiences, fast
  • Preparing a new product for public launch

Released in July 2020, Asana Goals helps organizations connect their mission and objectives to projects and initiatives. Asana’s mission is to help humanity thrive by enabling teams to work together effortlessly by enhancing work management, goal setting, and tracking—and this new feature does just that ✅

In her spare time, Catt loves to make games, play DDR, draw, and climb rocks. As a product designer, she enjoys connecting with people and solving complex problems. Over the past 10+ years, she’s helped companies of all sizes achieve better outcomes for—and with—their customers. She has also worked at Etsy, SoundCloud, NASDAQ OMX, and more.

If you'd like to learn more about discovery research, design sprints, and other key elements of the UX design process, we encourage you to explore our UX Academy program or reach out to

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