Watch our on-demand webinar with UX Academy alum, Robbin Arcega (Ive cohort) to find out more about her journey before, during, and after UX Academy. You'll learn more about what a journey through UX Academy looks like, what a pivot in careers could result in, and how Robbin is currently supporting students through their personal learning journeys.

Since graduation, Robbin has worked as a Product Designer at Udemy, Yelp, and other small startups. Most recently, she taught UX design at Flatiron and has now come full circle since her time in UX Academy to work at Designlab as a Curriculum Producer, and Group Critique Facilitator. Design education is her ikigai—which is Japanese for "reason for being.” 

Are you ready to start your journey? UX Academy is an intensive online program that equips you with the skills you need to land your first UX design role.

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